emeritus_emeritus 翻译
1.尊敬的教授 用英语怎么说啊?
尊敬的教授 用英语怎么说啊?
尊敬的教授用英语说为:Dear Professor一、dear
dear? 英 [d(r)] 美 [d?r]
adj. 亲爱的;敬爱的;昂贵的;严厉的。
n. 亲爱的人;宠物。
int. 哎。
adv. 贵;高价地;疼爱地。
professor? 英 [prfes?(r)] 美 [prf?s?]
n. 教授;大学讲师,教员;自称者,宣称者。
darling? 英 [?dɑ:l] 美 [?dɑ:rl]
n. 亲爱的;心爱的人;倍受宠爱的人;亲切友好的的人。
adj. 倍受喜爱的,可爱的,迷人的。
honey? 英 [?h?ni] 美 [?h?ni]
n. 蜂蜜;宝贝;可爱的人
adj. 蜜的;心爱的;加了蜜的。
sweetheart 英 [?swi:thɑ:t] 美 [?swi:thɑ:rt]
n. 情人,爱人
vi. 爱慕
Affiliated Faculty 是附属学院或教职
Emeriti Faculty 是终身或荣誉教职 如 professor emeritus 是荣誉或终生教授
这里的faculty 不是学院,问世教职的意思 faculty member 是学院教职
@ #案例 #商业模式 #养老Brookdale—— Brookdale高级养老公司是全美最大的高级养老服务公司,成立于1978年,总部位于田纳西州布伦特伍德,主营老年住宅,专门面向高收入和中高收入的消费者,为他们提供积极的退休生活和高质量的个人服务。Brookdale于1997年5月2日在美国纳斯达克上市。目前,Brookdale在47个州拥有1100多个养老社区,覆盖全美百分之八十的人口,有接近8万员工,服务对象超过10万人。公司运营的服务类型,主要包括生活自理型社区、生活协助型社区、特殊护理(老年痴呆护理)社区,以及持续护理退休社区。
——2006年7月,Brookdale宣布并购田纳西州那什维尔的美国退休公司(AmericanRetirement Corporation,ARC)。ARC当时在全美运营着接近130家社区,ARC从20世纪70年就开始运营,业务范围从CCRC到协助型社区到自理型社区都有涉及。Fortress认为合并ARC对于Brookdale来说是一个把它推向行业前列的好机会,不仅仅是为了扩大规模,而是把行业中运营时间最长的和最成功的养老公司联合起来,完成对ARC公司的并购后,Brookdale在36个州拥有接近550个社区。
——2011年10月,Brookdale完成对Horizon Bay Retirement Living公司的收购,获得其在全美近90家养老社区。
在企业的营业收入和利润方面,根据Brookdale Senior Living公司在2016年2月16日公布的2015年度财务报表,如图表所示:(数据来源MarketWatch)
退休社区包含了Brookdale自有和租赁的社区,以及他们为第三方或者合资企业提供服务的退休社区。截止到2105年底,Brookdale的退休中心业务板块有95个退休中心社区,17140个单元,占Brookdale公司整个社区容量的15.8%;为35个社区,7346个单元提供管理服务,占Brookdale公司整个社区容量的 6.8%。这些退休社区占Brookdale公司整个社区容量的22.6%。
CCRCs社区包括租赁的CCRCs以及公司管理运营的第三方CCRCS社区。截至2015年底,Brookdale拥有44个CCRCs 社区,10423个单元,占Brookdale公司整个社区容量的9.6%;34 个社区、10944个单元为公司参与管理运营,占Brookdale公司整个社区容量的10.7%。这些CCRCS社区占Brookdale公司整个社区容量的19.7%。
Brookdale已经成为全美最大的养老公司, 14年之前利润增速缓慢,甚至一度出现负增长。在收购Emeritus公司之后,利润增长率超过了10%。但是,收入的增加依然是这家上市公司的首要问题:
第一,在控制运营成本的同时,提高社区入住率、提高社区月度服务费用。 Brookdale公司计划通过不断的提高优化社区运营,加大市场营销的执行力度来保持公司的增长。为此,Brookdale创建了一个多层次的营销体系,通过全国、各地区和地方市场活动集合利用呼叫中心资源来平衡利用互联网和公司反应机制。另外,这个营销体系还可以利用Brookdale在2013年发起了Brookdale品牌创新活动,来扩大自己的营销影响力。同时,借助合并Emeritus的良好势头,努力提供公司的运行效率,降低运营成本。
第二,通过战略性资金分配提高公司收入。 Brookdale计划把一部分资金投入到现有社区的增值完善上面,比如对社区的重建和改造,对有些社区的重新规划和定位,最大程度的发挥每个社区的优势,以此来提高社区的吸引力,提高社区入住率;另一方面,在合适的时候,Brookdale公司会有选择性的收购现有的运营公司、各种组合投资、家庭保健机构和高级养老社区等公司来扩大自身规模。同时,对于Brookdale公司目前租用和管理的养老社区也会考虑并购,以加强资源整合,收购的战略重点还是集中放在可以对公司市场有重要补充作用的产品上。
第三,提高品牌影响力,着力培养Brookdale的品牌影响力。 Brookdale计划打造一个辨识度较高的全国性品牌,通过提升社区入住率和增长路来创造市场的差异化,提升自身品牌价值。作为国内最大的养老服务商,市场范围覆盖全国,产品服务多样化,这给了Brookdale足够的优势去成为美国国内养老行业的领导者和养老问题方案提供商。Brookdale公司希望通过调整、整个市场营销活动以及品牌创新会使更多的用户认可Brookdale这个品牌,形成品牌忠诚度,不仅仅是对于用户,还有合作商和公司需要的人才。
第四,创新产品服务,包括Brookdale的配套服务项目。 Brookdale希望通过创新产品形式,提供新的养老生活解决方案来不断满足客户的需求。Brookdale计划为现有客户提供更多新的服务形式,并此来开发新客户。加上Brookdale的配套服务,目前公司可以提供治疗、家庭保健、临终关怀等配套附属服务、教育和相应的健康计划服务。Brookdale希望不单单在他们所有的养老社区中提供这些服务,他们计划把这些服务推广到那些希望在自己家中度过晚年的用户,让自己的产品服务走出社区,为更多需要的人服务。他们希望以此能在后续医疗保健领域能够占有一席之地,为用户提供更加全面的养老解决方案。
Brookdale—— 从1978成立,到1997年上市至今,Brookdale期间通过不断的兼并其他同行业公司,完成了到今天成为美国最大的养老公司的转变,其发展模式不亚于一部壮阔的行业兼并史。Brookdale在完成自身蜕变的同时,也大大促进了美国养老行业的发展,其创新精神和行业模式的拓展精神值得当今各个行业公司的学习。
目录 1 拼音 2 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获奖原因 3 柯奈尔·海门斯生平 1 拼音
kē nài ěr ·hǎi mén sī
柯奈尔·海门斯 (Corneille Jean Fran?ois Heymans,1892年-1968年),比利时医学家,因发现了颈动脉窦和主动脉弓调节呼吸的作用,于1938年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
2 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获奖原因“发现窦和主动脉机制在呼吸调节中所起的作用”
"for the discovery of the role played by the sinus and aortic mechani *** s in the regulation of respiration"
3 柯奈尔·海门斯生平柯奈尔·海门斯1892年3月28日出生在比利时根特。他的父亲J. F. Heymans是原根特大学药理学教授和校长、该校药理学和治疗学的创始人。1920年,海门斯在根特大学拿到博士学位。之后开始在法兰西学院、洛桑大学、维也纳大学、伦敦大学和凯斯西储医学院任职。
Corneille Jean Fran?ois Heymans was born in Ghent, Belgium, on March 28, 1892. His father was J. F. Heymans, formerly Professor of Pharmacology and Rector of the University of Ghent, who founded the J. F. Heymans Institute of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the same University.
Corneille received his secondary education at the St. Lievenscollege (Ghent), St. Jozefscollege (Turnhout), and St. Barbaracollege (Ghent). He had his medical education at the University of Ghent, where he obtained his doctor's degree in 1920. After his graduation he worked at the Collège de France, Paris (Prof. E. Gley), University of Lausanne (Prof. M. Arthus), University of Vienna (Prof. H. H. Meyer), University College of London (Prof. E. H. Starling) and Western Reserve Medical School (Prof. C. F. Wiggers).
In 1922 he became Lecturer in Pharmacodynamics at the University of Ghent. In 1930 he succeeded his father as Professor of Pharmacology, being also appointed Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacodynamics, and Toxicology; at the same time he became Director of the J. F. Heymans Institute. He is Professor Emeritus since 1963.
The scientific investigations carried out at the Heymans Institute are mainly directed towards the physiology and pharmacology of respiration, blood circulation, metaboli *** , and numerous pharmacological problems. These studies led, in particular, to the discovery of the chemoreceptors, situated in the cardioaortic and carotid sinus areas, and also to contributions regarding the proprioceptive regulation of arterial blood pressure and hypertension. The discovery of the reflexogenic role of the cardioaortic and the carotid sinus areas in the regulation of respiration, above all, earned C. Heymans the Nobel Prize in 1938.
Another series of investigations by Heymans and his collaborators was devoted to the physiology of cerebral circulation and of the physiopathology of arterial hypertension of nervous and renal origin; also to the study of blood circulation during muscular exercise; to the physiology and pharmacology of animals totally sympathectomized; to the study of the survival and revival of different nervous centres after the arrest of blood circulation; to the pharmacology of stimulating substances of cellular metaboli *** , to the pharmacology of the lungs and many other problems.
A prolific author, Heymans has since 1920 issued about 800 papers, published in different periodicals. The results of his investigations have been mainly reported by him in the following general publications: Le Sinus Carotidien et les autres Zones vasosensibles réflexogènes (1920); Le Sinus Carotidien et la Zone Homologue Cardioaortique, with J. J. Bouckaert and P. Regniers (1933); Sensibilité réflexogène des vaisseaux aux excitants chimiques, with J. J. Bouckaert (1934); ?Le centre respiratoire?, with D. Cordier in Ann. Physiol. Physicochim., II (1935) 335; ?Survival and revival of nerve centers after arrest of circulation?, Physiol. Rev., 30 (1950) 375; ?New ects of blood pressure regulation?, with G. van den Heuvel, Circulation, 4 (1951) 581;?Pharmakologische Wirkungen auf die Selbststeuerung des Blutdruckes?, Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol., 216 (1952) 114; ?Action of drugs on carotid sinus and body?, Pharmacol. Rev., 7 (1955) 119; Reflexogenic Areas of the Cardiovascular System, with E. Neil (1958), ?Vasomotor control and the regulation of blood pressure?, with B. Folkow, in Circulation of the BloodMen and Ideas, edit. by A. P. Fishman and D. W. Richards.
Heymans is publisher and EditorinChief of the Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Thérapie, founded in 1895 by his father and Professor E. Gley, Paris.
From 1945 to 1962 Heymans has lectured at numerous universities in Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia. He was in 1934 ?Herter Lecturer? at the University of New York; and in 1937 he was ?Lecturer of the Dunham Memorial Foundation? at Harvard University, as well as ?Hanna Foundation Lecturer? at the Western Reserve University, and ?Greensfelder Memorial Lecturer? at the University of Chicago. In 1939 he was ?Lecturer of the Purser Memorial Foundation? at Trinity College, University of Dublin.
Commissioned with special missions by the Belgian Government, the International Union of Physiological Sciences, and by the World Health Organization, he has travelled to Iran and India (1953), Egypt (1955), the Belgian Congo (1957), Latin America (1958), China (1959), Japan (1960), Iraq (1962), Tunisia (1963), Cameroun (1963).
He has been President of the International Union of Physiological Sciences and of the International Council of Pharmacologists and has presided over the 20th International Congress of Physiology held in Brussels in 1956. His vast knowledge of pharmacology has justified his nomination as Member of the Committee of Experts of the International Pharmacopoeia of the World Health Organization. In his own country he is VicePresident of the National Council on Scientific Policy.
Heymans is Member or Honorary Member of a large number of leading scientific societies concerned with physiology or medicine in Europe and in North and South America, including the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, the Royal Society of Arts of Great Britain, the Académie des Sciences de Paris (Institut de France), Académie de Médecine de Paris, the Heidelberger Akademie für Wissenschaften, and the New York Academy of Sciences. He has been appointed Professor honoris causa of the University of Montevideo, and doctor honoris causa of the Universities of Utrecht, Louvain, Montpellier, Torino, Santiago de Chile, Lima, Bogotá, Rio de Janeiro, Algiers, Paris, Montpellier, Münster, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Geetown University, Washington.
Besides the Nobel Prize, his scientific awards include the Alvarenga Prize of the Académie Royale de Médicine de Belgique, the Gluge Prize of the Académie Royale des Sciences de Belgique, the Quinquennial Prize (19311935) for Medicine of the Belgian Government, the ?Alumni? Prize for Medicine of the Belgian University Foundation, the Bourceret Prize of the Académie de Médecine de Paris (1930), the Monthyon Prize of the Institut de France (1934), the Pius XI Prize of the Pontificia Academia Scientiarum (1938), the Burgi Prize of the University of Bern and the de Cyon Prize (1931) of the University of Bologna, etc.
Heymans is Officer in the Order of the Crown with Swords, Grand Officer in the Order of the Polar Star (Sweden), Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold, Commander in the Order of St. Sylvester (Vatican City), Commander in the Knightly Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; other distinctions include the Civilian Cross (First Class) for Distinguished Services Rendered to the Fatherland, the Belgian War Cross 19141918, the Fire Cross with 8 bars 19141918. (He was Field Artillery Officer during the first World War. )
Professor Heymans married Berthe May, M. D. in 1921. There are four children by the marriage: MarieHenriette, Pierre, Jean, and Berthe; and 18 grandchildren. He loves painting and is greatly interested in ancient literature dealing with the history of medicine; he is also a keen hunter.
From Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 19221941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965
This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
Corneille Heymans died on July 18, 1968.
retired英 [r?'ta?d]? 美 [r?'ta?d]?
adj. 退休的;退役的;幽闭的
v. 退休(retire的过去分词)
1、Retired Emperor?太上皇
2、Retired stock?[金融]?已收回股份 ; 翻译
3、retired veterans?离休老干部 ; 离休人员 ; 军队离退休老干部 ; 离退休干部
5、retired donated?退休捐赠 ; 退休人士捐赠
6、Retired Judge?退休法官
7、retired pay?[军]?复员费 ;?[劳经]?退休金 ; 翻译
8、prematurely retired?早退休 ; 提前退休
9、retired allowance?[劳经]?退职金 ; 翻译
1、He has retired from the army.?
2、Several college students boarded with the retired couple.?
3、When Mr. Green retired, his son took over the business from him.?
4、Some of the older workers were retired before time.?
5、We gave him 100 dollars to buy presents for the retired workers, but he pocketed most of it.?
如何翻译中文称谓? 这个问题太广泛了。
称谓代表了一个人的职位、职衔或学衔,体现了一个人的资历和地位。称谓的误译不仅是对有关人员的不尊重,而且也会产生种种不良的后果。称谓的准确翻译其关键在于译员对有关人员的身份及其称谓的表达是否有一个正确的理解,尤其是对称谓语的认识。一种称谓语很可能表示多种身份,例如,英语的头衔语 president,译成汉语时可视具体情况分别译作共和国的总统、国家主席、大学的校长、学院的院长、学会或协会的会长或主席、公司的总裁或董事长等等。
一般说来,各类机构或组织的首长其汉语称谓译成英语时虽可套用通用词 head,但从比较严格的意义上看,应使用特定的、规范的称谓语。例如:
校长(大学) President of Beijing University
校长(中小学) Principal /Headmaster of Donghai Middle School
院长(大学下属) Dean of the Graduate School
系主任(大学学院下属) Chair/Chairman of the English Department
会长/主席(学/协会) President of the Student Union, Shanghai University
厂长(企业) Director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant
院长(医院) President of Huadong Hospital
主任(中心) Director of the Business Center
主任(行政) Director of Foreign Affairs Office
董事长(企业) President/Chairman of the Board of Directors
董事长(学校) President/Chairman of the Board of Trustees
首席长官的汉语称谓常以“总……”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓语则常带有 chief general, head , managing 这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,需遵循英语头衔的表达习惯:
总书记 general secretary
总工程师 chief engineer
总会计师 chief accountant
总建筑师 chief architect
总编辑 chief editor; editor-in-chief; managing editor
总出纳 chief cashier; general cashier
总裁判 chief referee
总经理 general manager; managing director; executive head
总代理 general agent
总教练 head coach
总导演 head director
总干事 secretary-general;commissioner
总指挥 commander-in-chief; generalissimo
总领事 consul-general
总监 chief inspector; inspector-general;chief impresario
总厨 head cook; chef
有些部门或机构的首长或主管的英译,可以用一些通用的头衔词表示,例如下列机构的负责人可以用 director, head 或 chief 来表示:
署(省属)office(行署为administrative office)
局 bureau
所 institute
处 division
科 section
股 section
室 office
教研室 program / section
局长 director of the bureau; head of the bureau; bureau chief。
国务院 the State Council 属下的部为 ministry,所以部长叫作 minister。
另外,公署专员叫作commissioner,其办事机构叫作“专员公署”,英语为 prefectural commissioner's office。
汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配或表达习惯等情况,可选择 vice, associate, assistant, deputy 等词。相对而言,vice 使用面较广,例如:
副总统(或大学副校长等)vice president
副主席(或系副主任等)vice chairman
副总理 vice premier
副部长 vice minister
副省长 vice governor
副市长 vice mayor
副领事 vice consul
副校长(中小学)vice principal
行政职务的副职头衔与学术头衔的“副”职称往往用不同的词表达,最为常用的英语词是 associate,例如:
副教授 associate professor
副研究员 associate research fellow
副主编 associate managing editor
副编审 associate senior editor
副审判长 associate judge
副研究馆员 associate research fellow of ... (e.g. library science)
副译审 associate senior translator
副主任医师 associate senior doctor
当然,有些英语职位头衔,如 manager 和 headmaster,其副职头衔可冠以 assistant,例如:
副总经理 assistant / deputy general manager; assistant / deputy managing director
大堂副理(宾馆)assistant manager
副校长(中小学)assistant headmaster
以 director 表示的职位的副职常以 deputy director 表示。此外,secretary, mayor, dean 等头衔的副职也可冠以 deputy,例如:
副秘书长 deputy secretary-general
副书记 deputy secretary
副市长 deputy mayor
副院长 deputy dean
学术头衔系列除了含“正”“副”级别的高级职称和中级职称外,还有初级职称如“助理”,“助理”常用 assistant 来表示,例如:
助理教授 assistant professor
助理研究员 assistant research fellow
助理工程师 assistant engineer
助理编辑 assistant editor
助理馆员 assistant research fellow of... (e.g. library science)
助理教练 assistant coach
助理农艺师 assistant agronomist
还有一些行业的职称头衔,其高级职称不用“正”或“副”表示,而直接用“高级”或“资深”来表示,我们可以用 senior 来称呼,例如:
高级编辑 senior editor
高级工程师 senior engineer
高级记者 senior reporter
高级讲师 senior lecturer
高级教师 senior teacher
高级农艺师 senior agronomist
有一些行业的职称或职务系列中,最高级别的职位冠以“首席”一词,英语常用 chief 来表示:
首席执行官 chief executive officer (CEO)
首席法官 chief judge
首席顾问 chief advisor
首席检察官 chief inspector / prosecutor
首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator
首席监事 chief supervisor
首席播音员 chief announcer / broadcaster
首席代表 chief representative
首席记者 chief correspondent
检察长 procurator-general
审判长 presiding judge;chief judge;chief of judges
护士长 head nurse
秘书长 secretary-general
参谋长 chief of staff
厨师长 head cook,chef
一般说来,“代理”可译作 acting,例如:
代理市长 acting mayor
代理总理 acting premier
代理主任 acting director
“常务”可以 managing 表示,例如:
常务理事 managing director
常务副校长 managing vice president(亦可作 first vice mayor)
“执行”可译作 executive,例如:
执行主任executive director
执行秘书executive secretary
执行主席executive chairman(也可译作presiding chairman)
名誉校长 honorary president / principal
名誉主席、会长 honorary chairman / president(也可用 emeritus 表示,如 emeritus chairman / president)
主任编辑 associate senior editor
主任秘书 chief secretary
主任医师 senior doctor
主任护士 senior nurse
主治医师 attending / chief doctor; physician; consultant
特级教师 special-grade senior teacher
特派记者 accredited correspondent
特派员/专员 commissioner
特约编辑 contributing editor
特约记者 special correspondent
办公室主任 office manager (如“校长办公室主任” manager of president's office)
财务主任 treasurer
车间主任 workshop manager / director
编审 senior editor
博导(博士生导师)doctoral student supervisor
研究生导师 graduate student tutor
客座教授 visiting professor
院士 academician
译审 senior translator
村长 village head
领班 captain;foreman;gaffer
经纪人 broker
税务员 tax collector
研究管员 research fellow of...(如“图书馆研究管员” research fellow of library science)
股票交易员 stock dealer
红马夹 (stock exchange) floor broker
业务经理 service/business/operation manager
住院医生 resident (doctor); registrar
国际大师 international master
注册会计师 chartered / certified public accountant; registered / incorporated accountant
我国有一些常见的荣誉称号 (honorary title) 在许多英语国家没有对应的表达语,现列举部分英译供参考:
标兵 pacemaker
学习标兵 student pacemaker; model student
劳动模范 model worker
模范教师 model teacher
优秀教师 excellent teacher
优秀员工 outstanding employee; employee of the month / year
青年标兵 model youth / youth pacemaker
三好学生 "triple-A" outstanding student; outstanding student
三八妇女红旗手 "March 8th Red Banner" outstanding woman pacemaker